You have finally made the decision to travel to India. The process of planning a trip to India can be overwhelming especially if you have not been there before. There are numerous things to see and things to do and not everything fits in your budget and vacation time. Here are some handy tips that will make your travel to India a breeze.
- Learn to Go with The Flow

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India is one of the most populous counties in the world. Therefore, one of the things you can expect is a culture shock. This is especially if you come from a town with few people. You can expect congestion on the streets and you’ll rub shoulders with people from all walks of life. Expect to come across beggars along the streets. You shouldn’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed by it all. People in India are friendly and nice. Contrary to the perception many people have of the country, it is actually a safe place for women. Because of the many people on the streets, the noise can be overwhelming but you get used to it with time.
- Expect Celebrity Treatment

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While they will not roll out the red carpet for you, the people of India love guests and will make you feel right at home. As you visit the famous places such as the Taj Mahal, you can expect to pose for photos with complete strangers. You are sure to enjoy your stay here.
- Expect Traffic

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The traffic on the roads of India is insane. There are hundreds of motorcycles that ferry anything and everything. There are thousands of pedestrians and cars. You can expect a typical highway to have everything from cows to dogs, horses, carts, and people, all trying to get to their destination. It is indeed a sight to behold.
- You Will Catch Something

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After you get over the culture shock, you can expect to fall sick, it happens. This is mostly because you are eating food your system is not accustomed to. You’ll love the food though. It is advisable to take some antibiotics before you take your India tours. They will go a long way in keeping infections at bay. Also, carry Imodium and disinfectant gel for your trip.
- Enjoy the Food

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You will never find food that is as tasty and amazing as it is in India. Most people will plan a trip to India for the food. However, depending on the region you visit, you may want to consider taking up a vegetarian diet. This is because the religion does not permit some Indians to have meat. Even so, the vegetarian meals are as good as meat-based food. You will enjoy tasty curry dishes, snacks, and veggie dishes. You will definitely love the food in India.
- Ride on The Train

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There is an inner-city train metro that offers you more convenience than you will find on the roads. All you have to do is get your tickets in advance to enjoy the service. There is a women-only carriage section in the trains. If you are traveling interstate, it is possible to make train ride bookings online. Ensure you do this early enough to avoid inconveniences.